Kayeleigh is now 8 months old! Wow has that gone fast! She is growing and changing so much! She has crawling down and is very fast at getting around. She is now pulling herself up on everything. She is very ready to walk. I am not rushing that!
We are still breastfeeding and she is loving trying new foods that mommy and daddy are eat! She no longer wants baby food she wants what we are eating.
She has started to wave bye bye now! She is not really understanding what she is doing and why we are laughing when she does it because it is so cute but we are still practicing.
The weather is finally starting to get nice so we are planning a trip to the zoo with Auntie Crystal and Lelend. Will post pictures as soon as we make that trip!
I have my next doctors appointment is on Monday and we will find out when my ultrasound will be to find out the sex of these babies! I have been feeling good just really tired. Sleeping is becoming uncomfortable already! My hips and back hurts anyway I try and get comfortable. Boy this is going to make for a long pregnancy! We are really hoping that we are having 2 boys or one of each! The names we have picked out so far are....Jaxxon Everett and Emerson Joseph for boys and girls Kynsleigh and Kennedy Rose or Ryleigh. We are still unsure on the girls name! Really hope we don't need them lol Once I go to my appointment I will update.